Thursday, May 22, 2008

Girl's Day!

Today Mallory and I did some finger painting and some toe painting too!!

We had lots of fun going through all 25 sheets of finger paint paper!!!

MDFR Retirement Partaaay!!!!

Eric wanted to throw a party for some of the guys who recently retired from the department. So we set a date and did it! We had a great turnout with lots of great people. I finally met the guys Eric is always talking about...

We even had 2 guys use our local grass airstrip and fly in!! We were honored that the people who did show up took the time to come all the way up here!

We only had one accident..poor Catherine flipped off the waverunner. Her boyfriend took her back home to our wonderful hospital system down there where she is recovering...someone of course took her picture but i will not post it unless she says i can!

Anyway, we hope all of you guys enjoy your retirement !!

Mother's Day!!

Mother's day went great ! Everyone was over as usual, another excuse to eat!! The guys cooked and us ladies sat back and enjoyed the day being pampered! Bianca is having a little trouble with Aubrey still with her sleeping habits...she thinks she has day and night mixed mom heard through someone at her church if you flip, not roll, the baby over 3 times (i know it sounds crazy!!) she will get her days and nights straight....HA! so you know what all of us had to do...yup! , we flipped poor Aubrey 3 times...and Mallory joined in too after we did it!!!

So did it work.??? nope!!!! Sorry Bianca!! we sure had fun trying though!!